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Myth Monday: “Always perform static stretching before workouts”

Warming up is crucial to all workouts. It helps prevent injury, warms-up your heart rate/body and activates the muscles you are about to use, therefore helping them carry out exercises more efficiently for better results!

Part of warming up is stretching. However, it’s important to address the different types of stretching and which ones to use and when to use them. Not only for injury prevention, but also for your body as whole. Let’s go over them:

Static Stretching

Static Stretching is when you hold a position for a period of time, typically up to 45 seconds. Some examples of static stretching are hamstring stretch & hold, modified split positions, seated butterfly, etc.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic Stretches are controlled movements that prepare muscles, soft tissues and ligaments for performance and safety. Some examples would be lunges with a twist, leg swings, knee-to-chest and high kicks.

It's best to prioritize dynamic movements BEFORE your workout, and static movements AFTER your workout. This is due to the fact that static stretches elongate your muscle fibers, making them more prone to injury when force (such as weights or the impact from running) is applied to them immediately after.

Of course you want the best out of your workout, so it’s important to remember that the warmup is just as important as the workout itself!

For more workout guidance & ideas on how to implement proper warm-up, contact to set up a complimentary 1-on-1 session with one of our personal trainers!


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